Monday, April 13, 2015

March Bulu Box Review

The Box: Bulu Box (Regular)
The Cost: $10/month (less with a longer subscription)
The Goods: Choose between Weight Loss or Regular options and you'll get 4-5 health and nutrition product samples. You can also earn points to spend in their shop by reviewing the samples you receive.

Vivioptal Multi Vitamins: ($2.06)  This is the obligatory non-veg-friendly item.  Also, non-negotiable sample?  Do people try to negotiate samples?

Rawxies - Lemon Poppyseed: ($.99)  Raw snacks just really aren't my thing.  This wasn't awful, but I didn't especially want to eat all of it.

Beanfields Bean & Rice Chips - Ranch: ($1.25)  This is my favorite of all the Bean & Rice chips I've tried, but it still has a funky after taste.

Procera XTF: ($7)  One dose of these is 4 pills.  4!  Even though I could probably use some mental clarity, these seem like they have enough caffeine to mostly just make me jittery.

E-hydrate: ($1 each)  I've finally accepted that water flavoring powders and liquids just aren't for me.  (I'll stick to fresh fruits.)  Fortunately, J's obsessed with anything that makes water not taste like water so these will get used by him.

Unbeatable Greens - Coconut Acai: ($5) This was apparently designed specifically with crossfitters in mind.  I'm definitely not a crossfitter, but this flavor seems to get great reviews.

Total Value: $20.30

This officially ends my Bulu Box subscription!  I'm definitely not their target customer since I have dietary restrictions and I don't, oh, you know, work out.  That said, I think I'd choose to resubscribe to Runnerbox over Bulu Box personally.

Disclosure: This post contains a referral link.

1 comment:

  1. What a healthy box - The runner box really does sound like a happier box hehe
