I read a few books that didn't count for the Semi-Charmed Winter Book Challenge so didn't make much progress as last month. Here's what I did accomplish.
Newly Completed:
25 points: Read a book with a song lyric in the title.
Parasite by Mira Grant. (Song: Parasite by Disturbed) Some of it was a little predictable, but I really enjoyed it anyway. I think I liked the Newsflesh trilogy better, but Parasite still managed to hook me and keep me engrossed. (512 pages, 4 stars)
10 points: Read a book of short stories.
Previously Completed:
25 points: Read a book with a song lyric in the title.
Parasite by Mira Grant. (Song: Parasite by Disturbed) Some of it was a little predictable, but I really enjoyed it anyway. I think I liked the Newsflesh trilogy better, but Parasite still managed to hook me and keep me engrossed. (512 pages, 4 stars)

10 points: Read a book of short stories.
Wolfsbane and Mistletoe. All of the stories involved werewolves and Christmas. Some were good, some were awful and some were just plain weird. Unfortunately...there were more awful than good. (340 pages, 3 stars)

Previously Completed:
15 points: Read the first book in a series that is new to you. (Mind Games)
15 points: Read a book written by a local author. (Ill Wind)
10 points: Read a book written by an author who has published at least 10 books. (Karma Girl)
15 points: Read a book written by a local author. (Ill Wind)
10 points: Read a book written by an author who has published at least 10 books. (Karma Girl)
Current Score: 80 points
Battle Royale
20 points: Read a book with a direction in the title.
Witches of East End
20 points: Read a "bookish book" in which books play an important role.
Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore
25 points: Read a book from a genre you don't usually read.
The Woman Who Would Be King
Still to go:
10 points: Read a book with a food in the title.
30 points: Read two books with a different meal in each title.
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