Friday, January 9, 2015

December Geek Fuel Review

The Box: Geek Fuel
The Price: $23.90 (less with longer subscription)
The Goods: Geeky items worth at least $40

Geek Fuel ran a successful Kickstarter campaign a few months ago and December was their first box to send out.

Enfu Nihontown Large Poster: ($10)  This poster is absolutely packed with references.  J and I were able to pick out a few, but there are 95 total.

 Android Mini Collectible Figure: ($9.99)  He's really cute and is already hanging out with J's other vinyls.  Oddly, there was an Urban Outfitters price tag on this box.

Rebellion Princess Tee: ($6)  I really like this shirt.  Actually, I might order a girl's size for myself.

Living Language Dothraki Sample: Dothraki isn't at the top of my list of languages to learn, but it's cool that this exists anyway.

 Terraria Steam Download and Bookmark: ($9.99)  J already has Terraria on his Vita so I was able to claim the download from him.  He did keep the bookmark for himself, though.

Lord of the Rings Greeting Card: The inside says "Hope you get something precious this year."  It's a little late for us to use this as a Christmas card, but I guess it could work as a birthday card too.

Enfu Cosplay Sticker Set: Cute!  I particularly like the Nyan Cat one.

Boca Java Atomic - Cinna-buzz: ($7.99)  We only have a Keurig and not a regular coffee pot, so I'm not sure that we'll ever use this.  We might give this to my caffeine-loving uncle.

Since I was a Kickstarter backer, they also sent me a "Bonus Box"

Pez Starwars - Boba Fett: ($1.79)  J isn't big into Pez, so we'll add this to the stack of Game Night prizes.

Geek Fuel Tee:  It's nothing spectacular, but it is cool that it has the limited edition number on it.

Armor Hunters #1: ($5.99)  The "Chromium" cover on this is really pretty.

Total Value: Over $43.97 (plus over $7.78 for the bonus box)

All in all, it was a cool box.  It's not different enough from Loot Crate that we'd subscribe to both and I think Loot Crate is a better deal for us.  We're only getting this one month, but it will be interesting to see what others receive in future months.

Disclaimer: This post contains a referral link.

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