Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August Loot Crate Review - Heroes

The Box: Loot Crate
The Price: $13.37 plus shipping
The Goods: 6-8 items perfect for a geek or gamer with a total value of $40+.

August's theme was Heroes.  They did another custom box this month and it's pretty rad.

 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Glasses - Donatello: ($9.99)  J has a thing for ridiculous sunglasses, and these fit the bill.  Donatello is his favorite of the TMNTs, so these were a win.

TMNT Ooze Action Mini Figure - Michelangelo: ($9.99)  Obviously J probably would have preferred Donatello, but he's enough of a fan of TMNT in general that he didn't mind getting Michelangelo.

Shwings Lightning Bolts: ($8.95) I love these so much.  Luckily, J said that I could have them, so they'll be adorning my Chucks soon.

Mega Man Air Freshener: ($4.43)  J has already hung this up in his car.  I really need to find a new, cool air freshener for myself.

ChimichangOs Magnet: The side of our fridge is starting to run out of space for all the magnets we keep getting.  I might have to come up with some sort of display thing to make for J's mancave.

Pop! Guardians of the Galaxy - Loot Crate Exclusive Groot: ($10.99)  I am Groot.  I AM Gr...uh, I mean...Groot is my favorite of the Guardians so I was SUPER excited when I heard that he was going to be the exclusive this month.  I love him.  Love.  Him.

Total Value: $44.35

This month also came with some digital items, but J apparently took it out of the box and lost it before giving me his Loot Crate to take these pictures.  Listen.  I'm obsessed with Groot, so even if J had hated everything this month it wouldn't have mattered to me one bit!

Disclaimer: This post contains a referral link.

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