Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

This week I'm doing the linkup that Jennifer hosts over on Ramblings of a Suburban Mom.

- My sample of Beyonce's perfume came from PinchMe yesterday but the vial shattered in transit. I set the package down on my couch before realizing this and now the couch smells rather strongly of Rise.  I guess there are worse things it could smell like!

- I saw over on The Impulsive Buy that Oreo is coming out with a Reese's flavor.  I need this in my life.  Like, now.  I'll even brave Walmart for them.

- I finally finished House of Leaves and let me just say...whoa.  It's easily the most unique reading experience I've ever had.  After finishing, I spent a couple hours Googling various aspects of the book.  Awesome on so many levels.

- You can really learn a lot about humanity by selling things on Ebay.  I've had some of the most bizzare/rude/hilarious interactions with buyers.  Most recently, someone wanted to buy a few of my auctions for the starting price and come to my house to pick them up.  Ummm, this ain't Craigslist, lady.

-I FINALLY made an appointment to get my hair cut this weekend!  I haven't gone since October.  I'm like 99% sure I'll wind up only getting a trim, but we all know going to the salon is about the hour-long break from real life more so than the actual cut.

- Lastly, if you haven't entered my Blogiversary Giveaway yet, you should go do that now! <3

Disclaimer: This post may contain referral and/or affiliate links.


  1. OMG I am never tempted by those Oreo flavors. But that is a MUST HAVE.

    House of Leaves cover looks very Stephenson, but this - , complete with the original colored words, vertical footnotes, and newly added second and third appendices. - super Nabokovian. Very Pale Fire. I will actually add this to my list. I love reading, but I'm actually very picky about what I read. Thanks for the recommendation!!


  2. Reese. Flavored. Oreos.


    I... I need these. For... reasons.

    Also, my Beyonce sample was also smashed to pieces. It legit looks like the mailman just sat on it.

  3. Thanks for the info about House of Leaves! I am also on the lookout for my next read, and the series I am reading now is almost done! Stopping by through the linkup, nice to "meet" you!
    Mom's Got Mail
