Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May Golden Tote Review

The Box: Golden Tote
The Price: $49 or $149 (plus shipping)
The Goods:  For the $49 tote, you select one item from their monthly curated clothing selection and they choose 1-2 additional pieces to send you for up to a $200 value.  For the $149 option, you select 2 and they choose 3-5 for you for up to a $600 value.  (I went for the $149 tote this month.)

 Super B Easy Embroidered Maxi: ($40)  This is one of the items that I chose.  I almost didn't go for it because I tend to avoid strapless things, but I'm really glad that I got it.  It's quite comfortable and I love the color.

Side note: Stella supervised all of these photos from atop the pool table.  Cutest. Director. Ever.

Miss Love Cotton Crocheted Top: This is the other item I chose.  I was a little surprised by how sheer it is, but it'll be cute over a bandeau or a bikini.

I really like the back detailing.  I *have* to remember to put sunscreen on when wearing this top, though.  That'd be one hell of an interesting burn pattern.

Under Skies Leopard Halter:  This top is really sheer, but it's one of my favorite items from the bag.  I don't have any tops in a similar cut and I think it's surprisingly flattering.

Priddy by Puella Dress:  I can't make my mind up about this dress.  J's reaction to it was "Meh."  It's not awful, but I certainly wouldn't have bought it for myself.  I tried it belted and it didn't quite look right that way either.  Side note: this photo sort of makes me look like I have short hair and it makes me want to go get my hair chopped off.

Renee C Dolman Sleeve Top:  Apparently this is J's favorite outfit of the bunch.  It sort of makes me think of the 80's/early 90's, but I think I like it.

Naked Zebra Dress:  Most of Naked Zebra's dresses are around $70, so the value of this one is probably up around that.  I love this dress.  So, so much.  It's just begging to be worn to the beach.  Who's up for a roadtrip?!

I couldn't find most of these items online so I don't have an entirely accurate idea of the value, but I feel like I got my money's worth this month.  I will probably wear everything at least once and I'll certainly wear the crap out of the coral dress.  Most of these pieces actually make me excited for summer - which says a lot!

Disclaimer: This post contains referral and/or affiliate links.


  1. Ahh!! I really like the grey dress. It could easily be dressed up or down. Pop on some cute colorful jewelry with it. So many possibilities. I think this box did a really good job having a variety but nothing TOO TOO crazy. I have really fair skin and the "Miss Love Cotton Crocheted Top" would absolutely cause a crazy sunburn back pattern! It would take me a year to get rid of it. But, the top is adorable.
    P.S. I love your bookcase as the background. Very cute and non flashy!

    1. Thanks! I've been having a hard time finding a place to take photos in our house that has decent lighting and doesn't have piles of dog toys or video games in the background ;)

  2. You look great in all of those! I love that crochet top--that was my third choice, but I ended up going with the Puella Maxi and the Webbed Trim Tunic.

    1. Thank you! I was *really* tempted by the Puella maxis but decided I'd probably wear the top more.
