Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

J and I had an absolutely wild time last night.  We ate a TON of kale chips and put together a 750 piece puzzle of Times Square.

I know, I know.  We're total party animals.

So.  Resolutions.  I tried think of something sort of similar to what I did last year: a measurable, attainable goal.  I've also decided to do a few smaller resolutions as well.

  • 12 Acts of Anonymous Kindness - I originally called it "random acts of kindness" but I decided that wasn't completely accurate since I'm actually going to be planning my acts.  If you're confused as to what I mean, one of my ideas is to get a bookstore gift card and leave it with a note inside one of my favorite books.  Maybe "12 Random Surprises for Strangers" would be more accurate.
  • Read 35 Books - Last year I read 30.  Goodreads has a book-goal-tracking widget thing that's really cool...except that the average number of books people have resolved to read is 73 so far.  I'd love to say I would read that much but...lets be serious, I like video games too much.  (Oh, by the way - you can see what I've been reading lately over in the side bar.  Or you can add me on Goodreads!)
  • Declutter - My garage is literally FULL of stuff.  It's all things from my dad's house when he moved - my mom was a bit of a hoarder when it came to my stuff.  I've also got a ton of stuff hanging around that I've collected from subscription boxes that I'll never use.  I HAVE to have a yard sale this year.  Anyone in the Austin area need a washer or dryer? ;)
  • Project Pan - This kind of falls into a subsection of the above resolution.  Beauty bloggers seem to be all over this goal of using up products.  I think it's a great idea, so I'm going to try to use up all the beauty products I have before buying another one of the same type.  (Products I get from sub boxes don't count, obviously.  Yay loopholes!)

I've also got a general goal to actually FINISH some video games, but I'm not going to make that a resolution.  I thought about doing a "Finish what I start" goal but then I realized that that means I'd be forcing myself to finish things that I might not necessarily enjoy as much as something I could move on to.  Life's too short for that mess.

Happy 2014!

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