Friday, November 7, 2014

No-Spend(ish) October - How I Did!

So, for October I put myself on a little spend freeze.  It was partially to prepare to Christmas spending and partially just because it's good practice in case I ever *have* to do it for an emergency.  Essentially, I was trying to not spend money on anything new - existing recurring purchases, like my sub boxes, were fine.

Let me just was HARD.  Things I've been wanting for MONTHS decided to go on sale during October.  I think J got tired of hearing me whine about things I wanted but wouldn't let myself buy.
So, how did I do?  Here are the things I wound up buying:
  • Presents for my BFF's birthday,  Birthday gifts don't count, right?
  • I also bought my grandmother some stuff for her birthday.  I probably overspent on her but...see above. ;)
  • Two books from Amazon.  They are both Vaginal Fantasy Book Club picks AND they both count for the Semi-Charmed Winter Book Challenge.
  • The only time I dined out was with my dad and I only can convince him to let me pay once every decade.  If I'm lucky.
  • I bought Stella a new toy.  Yes, she has about a hundred, but doggy birthday gifts don't count either....right?  Right?!
  • Two of Target's care packages when they had the Free Shipping offer.  I couldn't resist!

  • Supplies to craft my Halloween costume...that I wound up not even wearing.  (Yet!)
Okay, so that kind of seems like a lot when it's listed out like that but it's mostly little stuff!  My Ebates deposit covered the Target boxes and I used a gift card for one of the books so really...I don't think I did that badly.  It was kind of a fun challenge, too!  I actually kind of look forward to doing it again after the holidays. 

Disclaimer: This post contains a referral link.


  1. not shopping IS really hard, much harder than it looks. i think you did really well - and i'm curious about the name of that book club lol

    1. I'm obsessed with Vaginal Fantasy! It's run by Felicia Day and some of her friends and they do a livestream once a month. They choose "romance" books, but not the cheesy Harlequin kind. It's mostly online on Goodreads, but there are a lot of local chapters as well. You should check it out!
