Monday, February 24, 2014

February Loot Crate Review - Warriors

The Box: Loot Crate
The Price: $13.37 plus shipping
The Goods: 6-8 items perfect for a geek or gamer.

February's theme was Warriors.  Apparently it was based around a show called Bravest Warriors?  J and I had never heard of it.

Kidrobot 'Bots Blind Box: ($2.99)  J hasn't opened this yet, so I have no idea which one he got!  Personally, I hope it's the bear one.

Bacon Card: ($4)  The inside says "I love you more than bacon."  J's not a huge fan of pork and I'm a vegetarian so that doesn't say too much in our relationship. We'll probably send it along to someone it would mean more to.

Gas Powered Stick Drawstring Bag: ($5?) Since we'd never heard of Bravest Warriors, we had no idea what this really is referencing.

Bravest Warriors Bow Tie: ($12?)  I don't even watch the show and I think this is adorable.  I don't know if J will actually ever wear it, but I still love it.

Gas Powered Stick Sticker: ($2?) Even though we don't know what this is, J already added this to our collection.  It looks like something I would have had in the 90's.

Alpha Battle Tee: ($15)  J and I spent several minutes discussing which characters each of us knew.  We could figure out most of them, but we were stumped by a few.

Total Value: Somewhere around $45.

With a box like Loot Crate, it was inevitable that they'd have a theme outside our realm of geekiness.  However, (as always) J loved the shirt so that makes up for the fact that we were clueless about the Bravest Warrior items. 

Disclaimer: This post contains a referral link.

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